Opening of schools remained a dream during a pandemic covid-19. Meanwhile, a lot of educational activities took place in Kalaburagi division. In the middle of April, Mr. Nalin Atul, the Honorable Additional Commissioner of Public Instruction of Kalaburagi, gave setu bandha manual, laboratory manual named Pragya Darpana, work from home etc activities.
In the first phase six activities were given under Work from Home. They are like this.
1. School Development Plan
2. Academic article
3. Reading and reviewing at least 2 books.
4. Person study
5. Child Profile
6. E Content
After this, when the lockdown continued again, he gave 10 activities. They are like this.
1. Audio/Video lesson
2. Preparation of unit plan
3. Conselling with parents
4. Preparation of teaching aids
5. Watch various educational videos on YouTube and write reviews.
6. Conselling with colleagues
7. Setubandha
8. Quiz Bank
9. Professionalism
10. Covid Strategies
Thus, he suggested to carry out these activities and upload them by creating a personal blog of the teacher. Accordingly, all the teachers of Kalaburagi section created a blog and successfully completed all the activities given to them and uploaded it on the blog. The Honorable Commissioner and the District Coordinator of Azimprenjee Foundation suggested that the teachers who performed the activities well in this should be given an opportunity to participate in the educational workshop held on 19/11/2020 to share their experiences about the other six activities and create a clear draft. Accordingly, the resource teachers who participated here,
1. Lesson Plan
2. School development planning and community participation
3. Inclusive learning
4. Children who are out of school
5. E-Technology
6. Discussion on NEP
Discussed these issues and presented the matter. Later, the Honorable Deputy Commissioner gave letters of appreciation to the teachers who won the best teacher award at national, state and district level and to the teachers who performed good activities under Work from Home.